DDR2-SYS  High precision complete 2-axis Dob tracking system w/ ready to install drives.  Screws directly on to ANY DOBSONIAN MOUNT you have purchased or made!  Belt drive altitude channel with 11" black pulley shown.  Totals only 8Lbs!  12vdc.
Specify ALT-BEARING diameter, we provide correct belt length.
DDR2-SYS  $1395.  30-day MB guarantee & 1yr warranty.

Note: You must have virgin Teflon on altitude bearings for best tracking performance.  Az rollers are included.  Options below, also see Dob Accessories.

DDR2-RIM Same as above but substituting altitude belt drive for a traction rim drive style which locates under large altitude bearings (18" min dia. is recommended).  Lift pad clutching & steel roller trolley bearings are provided for both azimuth & altitude channels. Total weight only 5LBs!
  DDR2-RIM  $1445.  30-day MB guarantee & 1yr warranty.

Note: Options are below, also see Dob Accessories.

DDR2-RIM2  Our latest addition to the 'no-align' arsenal.  Both axes use traction rim drive style and have adjustable friction "push-to-release" clutches in each diamond-knurled stainless steel drivewheel that re-grab automatically.  Also adjustable spring-loading contact pressure for the azimuth rim drive.  Az pivot unloader kit and 3 of our high quality 'ABM' needle bearing units for altitude support are providedAll installation hardware included, not shown.  Our most compact and lightest kit - the entire set only weighs 4 LBs!  No cutouts required to install drive units and only 2 screws for each drive!  A thorough manual details the installation, checkout, and operation.  By the way, we also manufacture compass-routered precision ground boards in any size or thickness from $159 and up.
DDR2-RIM2  $1645.  30-day MB guarantee & 1yr warranty.

Note: Options are below, also see Dob Accsessories.

Requirements for the RIM2:
1) Round ground board, square rocker box.
2) 3/4" rocker-box floor thickness.
3) 18" min. alt. bearing diameter.
4) Maximum tube assembly 100 Lb.
5) A high quality tube balance is required.

Also See...
Dob-Driver system function descriptions.
User installations.
User Comments.

User Astrophotos.

Email a request
for a free full-line catalog via US mail to any address in the known universe.


HRG-xx  High-Resolution-Gearing research grade options for systems above.  Standard visual resolving ability with Dob-Driver II drives is typically better than an arcsecond at the eyepiece during use on any common Dobsonian product that can deliver that performance level - which is fine for most all observation and regular imaging with this system.  According to your aperture size (Dawes limit) and sky quality you would select these HRG options if the skies you are observing in can permit pressing deep into subarcsecond territory.  Normally the elevation you have during observations will be the limiting factor for resolving power regardless of the instrument size or aperture. Tech2000 will advise using HRG2x on telescopes of 12" or larger aperture, heavier than 100 Lb tube assy., or on any telescope size intended for precision imaging.
Note this option causes a like reduction in slew speed which is mainly pertinent during a two-star beginning procedure if Roboscope is used (standard slew is typ. better than 3 deg/Sec on large scopes and 6 deg/Sec on 6-10" class - for instance HRG 4x will reduce these slew speeds by 4, but increase the torque available to the telescope structure by a like amount).
The price shown covers BOTH AXES, not just one or the other individually as that would make no sense.
HRG-2x option (.75a-s):  $168  Not required, but advised on Newtonian scopes over 12" aperture for both the higher torque that these provide and the higher resolving power that becomes necessary for imaging under 2 a-s or observing over 300x when the atmosphere permits.
HRG-4x option (.33a-s):  $188  Research torque/resolution typically 30ft-Lbs/0.3a-s at main axis. Not required, but advised on Newtonian scopes over 16" aperture for both the higher torque that these provide and the higher resolving power that becomes necessary for imaging sub-arcsecond or observing over 500x when the atmosphere permits (planet maniacs pay attention here).

DDR2-PCR  PC-link interface w/ ROBOSCOPE disk, unlimited coordinate entry for millions of targets, plus over 13,000 goto-and-track objects by direct catalog number in the (Entire!) NGC, IC, Messier, King, Caldwell catalogs, and unlimited user catalogs created by you in 100-object blocks for private sky-tours or object groups etc.  Use any sky chart at the same time on Win9x thru 2000 & XP, Robo can shrink to 1" and float around on your chart while you pick-off catalog numbers or coordinates at your leisure for millions of objects.  All Ra/Dec entries too are valid from magazines or internet, software charts or paper charts, or your books - so long as the object is up in your sky (anywhere you are in the world) from horizon to zenith - Roboscope will know that and go get it and track it automatically.  This is extra nice for comets and asteroids, geosynchronous satellites etc. etc.  A CD is supplied containing software, instructions, databases of all catalog objects and user catalog template, and related support files and such.  The hardware side of things includes a 14' cord to the Dob-Driver II hand pendant, from any PC parallel printer port or your parallel port adapter in case of no parallel connector available on your machine.  The Roboscope option can be added by the user later with a solder iron and a drill/carving procedure to add the receptacle jack into the hand control, or without any extra installation charge at Tech2000 we will put it in whenever we have the hand control here - that's why its best done here at first... It is not included standard.
DDR2-PCR  $99  FOR ALTAZ MOUNTS ONLY! (Dobs or Giro heads etc.)

DDR2-CCD  ST4-compatible CCD autoguider interface (6-wire RJ12 phone jack standard connection) to automatically stay ON TARGET with maximum accuracy during photo or visual use.  This option can be added by the user later or without any extra installation charge at Tech2000 if you send us your hand control.  All DDR2 drives will continuously dynamically adapt each axis rate when a guider is active for maximum precision and the lowest correction repeats - chasing your PEC problems invisibly!  DDR2-CCD  $39