ENGINEERING & DESIGN... Our Prototypes save $ and your project STILL runs faster!

Seasoned engineers know that computer simulation and modeling can always be "massaged" until everything looks good on paper. In the very "un-virtual" reality of business, an inexperienced company will lead you into tooling and process operations early in order to impress you with their fast turnaround performance... and pick up more than a few extra bucks in the meantime. When the product actually gets to the end user in a reliable form is another story.  Tooling and fixtures will usually have to be redone - meanwhile you can't "STOP THE PRESSES!" because your project is committed. The result can be absolutely catastrophic to your company, if not extremely painful.

PRODUCTION... Be sure you have DFM planning in place (Design For Manufacture).

This is where the prudent engineering innovations pay off.  All aspects of manufacture are identified and documented. Pilot run confirms it. Now a continual SPC program is used on the line in conjunction with product documentation, assigned quality procedures, national and international standards as applicable, traceability, and 100% functional and parametric tests on the outgoing product to hit the zero-defect delivery target. By this time Techni-Digital is comfortably familiar with the criticals and can scale rapidly in response to your needs.  We've been there, we've done that. Over, and over, and over!


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"Perfect Produce Provider" (P³).  Zero compromise. Zero loss. Zero waste. Zero carbon footprint.

EXAMPLE DEVELOPMENT FROM TECHNI-DIGITAL:  Fruit & Veg Processing goes Mobile...
An example of Field-To-Consumer Perfect thinking. Its all done in the trailer.
All processing is on-site, any site, wherever that may be.
Trucks move directly to farm, hub, greenhouse, hydroponic plant, orchard, processor plant.
Output is onsite retail-ready for distributor, hub-zone, or the final processor.
Extra-important for high-water-content fruit/veg headed for frozen food makers to ensure fresh taste and color/texture/aromatic control. Awesome advances in sterilization also accompany this technology.
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